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Wonky Fruit

Where do you source your wonky fruit?

DASH plan to lead the way by using fruit and vegetables that others say no to. We want to give peace of mind to all farmers that their wonky or surplus produce can end up on shop shelves. Our Cucumbers, Blackcurrants & Raspberries are grown in the UK

What do you mean by Wonky?

What is ‘wonky’ fruit? Why and how Dash uses imperfect - but perfectly good - produce. In a landmark 2011 report, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimated that 1.3 billion tons of the world’s edible food – one third of global produc

Why do you use wonky fruit and veg?

In a landmark 2011 report, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimated that 1.3 billion tons of the world’s edible food – one third of global production – is wasted every year. This amount of perfectly good, nutritious food could feed

What do you do with the fruit once you’re done with it?

All of the leftover fruit that we use to create our extract is sent to a nearby biogas plant to convert it into electricity. That’s right, we’re serious about circular business.

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